These are the most recent articles featured in the Architecture section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
Historical Gurdwaras of Bangladesh WAQAR A. KHAN
There are approx. seven gurdwaras in Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong and Sylhet alone.
The Wall Of Truth:
November 1984 New Delhi Sikh Genocide Memorial
It will be the first such memorial in the country which continues to deny the nation-wide genocide.
Understanding Sikh Places of Worship CLARE CANNING
The gurdwara’s distinctive patterns of worship and community involvement in Britain.
Why Did Bhan Singh Break Down In Tears? AKHTAR BALOUCH
The nonagenarian man asked, ‘Is this Bhan Singh’s house?
Gurdwara Rori Sahib,
Where Pebbles Became Sacred
Echo of bygone days and the past splendor in hushed voices.
The Lost Gurdwaras Of Potohar ZULFIQAR ALI KALHORO
Three of the gurdwaras are located at Kanoha, Doberan Kalan and Mohara
Bhatta, and are especially noted for their elegance and paintings.
Specimens Of Architectural Beauty:
The Sikh Havelis of Potohar
The haveli's rooms are adorned with paintings of Sikh Gurus, historical personages and mythological scenes.
Distorting History RANA TANVEER
Sardar Bahadur Bhagat Singh Khalsa High School was renamed Islamia High School post-1947.
The Red Domes of Amritsar YUDHVIR RANA
A major development Ram Singh brought about through Khalsa College was his articulation of the skyline of the building.
International Experts Raise Alarm Over
Condition of Punjab’s Forts
Punjab has taken a US $48 million loan from the Asian
Development Bank for promoting cultural heritage tourism. Where's the money?