These are the most recent articles featured in the Art section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
New art gallery brings the Sikh story to Norwich Anna Maria Della Costa
Every inch of wall space in a one-story building on Clinic Drive is covered in colorful portraits of famed Sikh leaders and framed recognitions; a cozy place of inclusion
Repression and Retribution
The Latest Artwork by AMRIT & RABINDRA KAUR SINGH, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Slaves of Fashion:
New Works by The Singh Twins
Sikh-Briton artists champion ethical trade and consumerism today through stories of Empire.
The Singh Twins’ New Artwork Commission For Britain’s Royal Collection NEWS REPORT
Includes Sikh Princess suffragette Sophia Duleep Singh; WWI Ace pilot
Hardit Singh Malik; the Sikh architect who helped design the Durbar Room
at Osbourne House, Bhai Ram Singh …
The One(s) That Got Away:
The Auction of Rani Jindan’s Earrings
"A lot of hoopla was created around this particular item as people anticipated this sale ..."
My vision: the name Khalsa to be synonymous with the name ‘Fabergé’ in beautiful art objects.
Delhi’s Mandi Metro Station Adorned With Punjab’s
Phulkari Art
Original specimens of the art from the ‘1469’ archives are now displayed for the everyday commuter.
Permanent Gallery of Sikh Art Launched At Slough/UK Gurdwara STEPHEN DELAHUNTY, et al
“To envision and spread awareness of the great Sikh historical narrative …”
A Journey Into The World Of A Sikh Art Collector:
New Book Traces The Handiwork of Narinder Singh and Satinder Kaur Kapany
A Book Review by T. SHER SINGH
The emergence of the collector of Sikh Art.
The Many Lives Of
Inderjit Kaur
A photo project by Jasmeen Kaur Patheja captures her 85-year-old
grandmother as she dresses up in costumes and lives her dream of being
an actor.