Michele Gibson is a crisis worker living in Ontario, Canada, with a love of art, literature and humanity and a deep faith which is daily heightened and grounded by Sikhi.
Monk Warrior A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
Bare feet ... Bare legs ... Ready stance ... Towering ... Kirpan and strap ... Cinch his breast ...
The Little Teacher
Guru HarKrishan (1656-64) A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
He served them / In tiny quarters, in darkened rooms / He answered their needs. their worries freed ...
The Visit A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
She will sing the nitnem in the car/ In the kitchen, in her room/ And a hundred times a day/ Softly whisper to herself, WaheGuru ..
Aapni Boli Bolo A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
"I could not tell kaun took them or kaun let them go?"
Amritsar 1984 A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
"Healing is not measured in blood/ Blood is murky and opaque,/ It darkens history/ Perverts humanity ..."
Delectable Vignettes of Sikh/ Punjabi Life - Around Food A Book Review by MICHELE GIBSON
The food organizes the biography, not only of the author's but also of the important people in her life.
Coming of Age A Poem by MICHELE GIBSON
From this point on I take the name 'Sardar' ...