Calgary Flames Respond to Growing Sikh-Canadian Fan-base
The management of National (ice-)Hockey League (“NHL“) team, the Calgary Flames, announced Wednesday, January 22, 2014, they will launch a weekly video on the team's website that will cater to the city's growing Sikh and Punjabi community.
With the launch, the Flames become the first Canadian NHL team with multilingual coverage in a language other than English and French.
The most recent census shows nearly one million Punjabi-speaking Canadians in the country, making Punjabi the third most-spoken language coast-to-coast.
The Flames said the Punjabi content on their site is designed not only to serve a growing community within the city but also to expand interest in hockey. Videos will include team and player storylines as well as behind-the-scenes features.
Harnarayan Singh, the host and play-by-play commentator of Canadian Broadcasting System's ("CBC") Hockey Night in Canada in Punjabi, will write and host the videos.
[Courtesy: NFL. Edited for]
January 23, 2014