Kids Corner


An Encyclopaedia of India's Scandals





It appears there is an app on everything, or to do anything, available in the market today.

It appears there is a blog and a website on everything you can imagine, as well.

It also appears there is an encyclopaedia on any and every topic.

Yes, it's true. And there is now an encyclopaedia of the scandals of India, not only listing them, starting from the first year of the country's existence (1947) and going all the way to the present day, but also showing the excellent 'progress' the country has made in this regard.

In 1948, for example, there was one scandal reported - involving US $159,600.

In 2012 so far - a mere four months have gone by - the encyclopaedia lists 23 clusters of scandals. 

The list only covers the scandals that have come to light in that time period, and does not ennumerate the ones that are continuing from previous years. This is relevant because a scandal in India never gets resolved or concluded. If there is enough of public outrage, an enquiry or committee or commission is set up, and if and when a report is produced, it is carefully filed away on a dusty shelf for perusal at some future, mysterious date, by persons unknown. 

Also, I refer to "clusters" because each listing has sub-listings of corollary scandals.

I have tried to add up the money involved in these 23 categories of scams involved, and I gave up after an hour or so of fiddling with the calculator.

Just know that if even a fraction of the sums of  monies involved had been properly expended, not a single soul in India would ever go hungry again. And India would truly be competing with the largest economies in the world, not just in the number of greedy billionaires it is now cursed with, but in terms of prosperity.

Real prosperity.


If you have the time and the inclination, CLICK here and moan.

[Link, courtesy: Wikipedia]

May 5, 2012




Conversation about this article

1: Baldev Singh (Bradford, United Kingdom), May 08, 2012, 11:52 AM.

All you have to do is walk into any 'State' Bank or Office in India and see the state of some of these employees and the way they behave! You'll get a taste of how the rest of the Government employees treat their posts.

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