With Karan Kaur of Australia
Glendenning, New South Wales, Australia
At the urging of her friends, Karan Kaur started her Instagram fashion blog “Style With Kaur” seven months ago and now has more than 7000 followers.
“My friends and family were like ‘You should really start up a fashion blog for Sikh women’ - because obviously when we’re representing our religion, you have to wear modest clothing and still be fashionable,” she said.
“So I was actually going to start up a website but I thought I’d start up on Instragram Twitter and Facebook because that’s so much more important these days.
“I was like, I’ll just start up Instagram and see where it goes.”
The blog took off quicker than Karan expected with about 1000 followers within the first month.
“I would get personal messages from people (around the world) that would ask me, ‘I have my prom coming up. I want to wear ... modest clothing’. So people ask me what’s an alternative.”
“I’ve gotten really good feedback, people saying it’s inspiring for them ... not to be shy about (their religion).”
The 20-year-old business student is now preparing to study fashion next year and create her website to inspire other Sikh women to wear the turban.
“This is my turban. this is the main reason I started ‘Style With Kaur‘,” she said.
“Living in a western society you’re putting yourself out there with social media. It’s a really hard thing.
“You know people are saying you shouldn’t put your religion and fashion together. It doesn’t go hand in hand. It’s just stupid comments like that.
“But obviously the good comments always shadow over the bad ones.”
One day Karan wants to design Sikh-centric garments that mix modern styles and traditional values.
“I feel that these days it is so hard to find clothes that are modest and look stylish. Especially being in a price range where we can afford as well.
“I would love to design clothing or to cater to Sikh women’s needs or other religions as well.”
Designing clothes and blogging is not the end-all for Karan, she would also like to introduce the turban to the runway.
“In other countries Sikh men have modelled for Louis Vuitton and Tommy Hilfiger and Gap and been the face of Samsung and it’s all been men, it’s not been a Sikh woman that’s modelled.
“I would love to change that; I would love to model for Chanel or Louis Vuitton.”
[Courtesy: Daily Telegraph. Edited for]
November 14, 2014
Conversation about this article
1: Ryan (Canada), November 14, 2014, 4:21 PM.
I think Karan Kaur would have more style if she accepted being happy with herself and did not do her eyebrows. What is the point of wearing the turban when you do your eyebrows? I think we should be happy the way God has created us, removal of hair is against our code of conduct.
2: Harmeet Singh (USA), November 14, 2014, 11:14 PM.
I think "Ryan"'s comments are another proof of male chauvinism. Firstly, what evidence do you have that God has created our bodies one way and not another? Are some of our actions attributed to God, and not others? Secondly, what code of conduct prohibits humans from nurturing their own self-image?
3: Aman (Brampton, Ontario, Canada), November 15, 2014, 7:54 AM.
Ryan's email is a perfect example of what makes me really nervous about some in our community. They are always nit-picking on one thing or another. May the "perfect" Sikh please stand up? Just as I thought - we all remain seated.
4: Harvinder Singh (London, United Kingdom), November 16, 2014, 1:09 PM.
The enterprise of Sikhs in haute couture is one of the most wonderful trends to be witnessed these days. Salutations and good luck to Karan ji: you have exquisitely fashioned a 'Sikhni-Chic' look! I am rather bemused , like other commentators, at the pomposity of a person with a name like Ryan #1, to use this occasion to sardonically preach to a Kaur on her life's journey.
5: Jasbir (USA), November 16, 2014, 5:54 PM.
I think she looks very sexy.
6: H. Kaur (Canada), November 18, 2014, 2:20 AM.
My sister was accused one time of her doing her eyebrows, by a friend of my father's. He actually came and peered at her face and even grabbed her face and said she does them even though she didn't. Then he accused her of wearing coloured contacts though he said no after realizing she had her glasses on. My parents attributed it to him being a nut, who else would do what he did. None of us cared what he believed of course and just chalked him off as an idiot.
7: Kaala Singh (Punjab), November 22, 2014, 10:53 AM.
Wow, a confident, modern Sikh woman with a great sense of fashion and style!