Kids Corner

Current Events

These are the most recent articles featured in the Current Events section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.


Langar is the epitome of seva -- selfless, unconditional public service.

Is It An April Fool Joke Gone Out Of Control?
Or Has The Nation Gone Mad?
Hindu India’s Self Abuse With Urine UTTAM SENGUPTA, Outlook India

"The shampoo left a whiff of cow smell …"

Trump Campaign’s Ignorance Has No Bounds KEVIN RADER

A Trump mailer describes Gurinder Singh Khalsa as a Muslim Trump supporter. He says: "I am not Muslim and I am not supporting Trump."

Well Met!
The Great Loser …
And The Losers:
Donald Trump and The Republican Hindu Coalition MAX BEARAK

“If you support Muslims, you support rape culture,” said one Hindu participant at the Trump rally.

Statue of 'Racist' Gandhi Banished From Ghana University Campus JASON BURKE

He campaigned for the maintenance of the racist Hindu caste system.

Another Wannabe Tory Leader Turns To Narrow-mindedness And Bigotry JAGDEESH SINGH MANN

If there is a social fabric in this country, it is a giant sheet of …

Blinded By Hatred, A Murderer Finally Opens His Eyes:
The Post 9/11 Killer Of Sikh-American Balbir Singh Sodhi VALARIE KAUR

On this night every year, the gas station is transformed into sacred space …

Diversity Requires Effort RAJVINDER SINGH GREWAL

“Every single day, we need to choose hope over fear and diversity over division."

Kitthey Likhia?

They look for short, instant, ready-made, spoon-fed answers …

A New Scam From The Subcontinent:
A Scheme To Sell ‘Amrat Jal’ to Gullible Sikhs THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE, et al

A new twist to the age-old ‘Ganga Jal’ scam.

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