Above: Rahul Gandhi, Congress Party leader and direct heir to two generations of mass-murderers, has no clue as to what went wrong in the recent election.
Like Moths, India’s Congress Commits Self-Immolation:
And Here’s How
We are told that in abandoning our humanity, in losing basic decency, one loses one’s ’mat’ -- intellect. Which leads to hubris and arrogance. Followed by moth-like audacity, and a fast-track to self-destruction.
Here’s the path the Congress Party took in the recent Delhi election.
It appointed Ajay Maken as its Chief Ministerial candidate and thus its leader during the election which was to elect 70 Members of the Delhi Legislative Assembly.
The Congress had a historic innings, to borrow a phrase popular in cricket-obsessed India. They secured 0 seats. That is, they’ve been wiped off the slate, leaving behind not even a trace.
I’m not surprised. Is anyone? Let me explain.
Ajay Maken is no ordinary Congress Party politician. He is the protégé and nephew of Lalit Maken.
Lalit Maken was named in the investigative report titled “Who Are The Guilty?” as one of the main Congress Party members who led and directed the mobs during the 1984 pogroms against Sikhs in South Delhi.
Lalit Maken was rewarded for his crimes by being given a ticket as a Congress candidate in the election that followed the massacres -- in the very riding in which he had committed his crimes! -- and was elected with the tide. And became, within months of being identified as a mass-murderer of Sikhs, a Member of Parliament and part of the government of India.
When the authorities refused to even look at the mountain of evidence against him, three young men -- Harjinder Singh, Sukhdev Singh and Ranjit Singh -- took it upon themselves in 1985 to mete out necessary justice, and executed Lalit Maken in broad daylight.
The Congress Party has continued to reward Lalit Maken’s family for his crimes, to the point that they have thrived in the largesse they have received as a direct result.
Lalit Maken’s daughter married a Congress Youth Congress president who also received a Congress ticket and then became Member of Parliament.
Lalit Maken’s protégé, Ajay Maken, was a 20-year-old student union leader in 1984. He capitalized on his mass-murderer uncle’s public execution and was elected President of Delhi University Students Union soon after, in 1985.
On the strength of his uncle’s ’service’ to the Party, Ajay Maken’s career took on a stellar trajectory, first as a Delhi MLA and then as an MP in India’s parliament.
Sonia Gandhi rewarded him, first with his appointment as India’s Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, and then as India’s Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation.
It’s amazing how far you can get in Indian politics once you can be publicly identified with a mass-murderer. [Ask Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, and they’ll tell you …]
So, come 2015 Delhi Legislative Elections, who do you think the Congress Party’s grand poobahs would choose to lead their party to victory?
A scion from the Maken family, of course!
And they’re still surprised that they won 0 seats out of 70?
The very fact that they thought they could do better shows how far their ’mat’ -- intellect -- has chipped away.
Ajay Maken, their fearless leader? He didn’t even come second. He was third. The victor received 67,507 votes. Ajay Maken, the protégé of a 1984 mass-murderer, received 16,331 votes.
Today, the Congress hierarchy -- consisting only of ‘has-beens’ -- is in a dog-fight, viciously blaming each other for the historic debacle.
They still have not a clue why they were decimated.
February 13, 2015
Conversation about this article
1: Kaala Singh (Punjab), February 13, 2015, 10:28 AM.
This is an excellent piece! After the election defeat there was an ugly public spat between between Maken and Shiela Dixit (former Chief Minister of Delhi, of the Great Commonwealth Games Robbery notoriety!) and both of them blamed each other for this debacle. Another lesser known fact which was an election issue and which went against the Congress was that they turned Delhi into a living hell by building slums and shanty towns all over Delhi settling people from UP, Bihar and elsewhere in these slums. It is these people who did the actual killings of Sikhs in 1984 and formed the main support base for the Congress. Once the slums were built on public land and supplied with free water and electricity at the expense of the public exchequer, the population of these slums multiplied fast and they quickly became dens of crime. The result of all this is that today most of Delhi is a criminal-infested, filthy slum with no green spaces. Air, water, food - everything is polluted and most of the populace suffers from health problems. This, as I understand it, is the ongoing curse of the 1984 Genocide!
2: Sunny Grewal (Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada), February 13, 2015, 12:47 PM.
This story does have a bit of a happy ending. Lalit Maken was brought to justice.
3: Sangat Singh (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), February 13, 2015, 9:57 PM.
Waheguru's Will at work. It works at its own pace, but it works surely.
4: Kaala Singh (Punjab), February 14, 2015, 1:40 AM.
In its very essence, the Congress rule of 50 years was nothing but a continuation of the British rule in India, except with Indian agents. They followed the same policies as the British, had no identification with the country and their only objective was to plunder India and transfer its wealth overseas. Today trillions of dollars of stolen Indian money is lying overseas while a vast majority of India's population lives in extreme poverty. The Congress at the moment is in a "mopping-up" mode as its time is over and it has little chance of staging a come-back. We may see some of them relocating overseas where their stolen fortunes lie -- not unlike the exodus of the Shah's minions with their millions who fled Iran in the wake of Khomeini's coming. The Congress used the people of India and their ill-gotten power to inflict such pain on the Sikhs and other minorities but they also ruined India and its people to the point that there is no hope for them for a long time to come. It is a bit too late for the Indian people to wake up now. They massacred their saviours - the Sikhs -- and nobody can save India now from its own karma and the heirs of the Congress -- the BJP/RSS gang. Regardless of who comes to power in this sad land, I fear we will only see deterioration and decline.