Above and below: priceless contents of the Darbar Hall - settee, chandeliers, candelabra: all masterpieces made of glass. Their current condition is suspect.

The Crumbling Darbar Hall of Patiala
Once resplendent with burnished arms and armours, shimmering chandeliers
and life-sized portraits of maharajas, the darbar hall at Quila Mubarak
(Patiala, Punjab) is now but a poor reflection of its glorious days.
historical edifice, dating back to 1845, was built by Maharaja Karam
Singh of Patiala in his heydays. Quila Mubarak comprises Quila Androoni
and darbar hall, the arms gallery that was thrown open to the public
after being converted into a heritage museum. But, the upkeep of this
heritage is not what the Punjab government seems to be losing its sleep
The sword of Nadir Shah, known as Shikar Gah and the sword
of Shah Abbas of Persia lie tarnished. The rare chandeliers, made of
Bohemian cutglass, are on display, but large parts of it are broken. The
walls, ceiling and rooftop have their own sorry tale to tell that of
apathy and ignorance.
The two vintage cars, vintage Car Itala
(1903) from Bleriot, London, and rear vintage car, Fiat (1911), of
Patiala state, have a history of their own, but now, they stand damaged
in a dark corridor of the hall.
The chariot, crafted out of pure
silver in 1909 (Kolkata), was driven by six horses and mostly used
during ceremonial processions of maharajas of Patiala. But, without
proper maintenance and upkeep by the Punjab heritage and tourism board,
it is partially damaged. The officials have simply turned away from
these historic pieces.
An official
said the board has send regular reminders for renovation but nothing
has come of it.
"In a written communiqué last month, the board had
demanded its renovation, as the ceiling had started falling apart. The
monsoon had played havoc, causing moisture that ruins the portraits and
wooden pieces mounted on walls," he said.
"The process to
begin conservation and renovation of artifacts at the Patiala museum is
on. The renovation will soon begin, said Husan Lal, member secretary,
Punjab heritage and tourism promotion board.
[Courtesy: SikhNugget]
February 11, 2011