Kids Corner


Living Sikhi - Lesson Four







1   To memorize the Sikh greeting.

2 . To understand the meaning of the greeting.

3   To discuss the practice of virtue.

4 . To learn how to handle bullying.


Teachers, ask the students to sit in a circle, fold hands and do simran. When finished, ask them, in turn, to tell what they did to be cheerful, kind and generous - one answer per student.

Ask how they felt when doing those things. Ask if they had any problems with doing those things.


Were you cranky, mean or selfish last week? How did that feel? Did you call anyone a bad name or make fun of someone? Did you think it was funny? It is NEVER funny to call others names or make fun of them, not even your brothers and sisters either.

Has any one called you a name or made fun of you? What did you do? What happened then?

Did you know that most kids will stop name-calling and teasing if you say in a strong way, "Stop that!", "That is NOT funny!" But if they do not stop or if they threaten to hurt you, you should tell someone you trust, like a counselor or teacher or parent. If you or your parents or teachers need more help and information, go to

Sikhs are kind to others. They also help to protect others and say something to a teacher when they see someone being bullied.

Sikhs greet each other in a special way. "Waheguru ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh! "Wonderful are God's Pure Ones, Victory Belongs to Them!"

This greeting means that, as a Sikh, you have kindness in your heart towards everyone, even the bully. You do not want to hurt anyone. That means your heart is "pure". It is not always easy to be kind. It takes lots of courage and strength to be kind and to protect others. That is what it takes to be a "winner", a victor!

When we enter class and leave class, we will greet each other with our special greeting. We will remember that it is strong to be kind and that when we are kind, we are winners.


Homework: Talk to your parents about the meaning of the Sikh greeting. Talk to them and/ or your teacher or counselor if you need help with bullies.


Teachers, students and parents, please go to

Teachers may wish to organize a special meeting with parents to talk about this issue. Being prepared with information from the internet on bullying or having a guest speaker with expertise in this area may be very helpful. Don't forget to emphasize that each of us must take responsibility whatever age we are. As much bullying takes place in the home as in the school yard. We neither want to bully, nor do we accept being bullied (being a victim).


May 7, 2010

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Living Sikhi - Lesson Four"

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