Kids Corner

T. Sher Singh



Exhausted by 20 years as a litigation lawyer in Canada, Sher has now moved on to full-time writing  -  and being a bit of a grump in mid-life.

The Sikh Art of Soldiering:
Remembrance Day T. SHER SINGH

Our Elders have taught us the art of soldiering, not by the book, but by example.

Me No Eat Meat
So, You No Eat Meat:
A Silly, Silly World T. SHER SINGH

There’s the recent news about the bozos in India ...

The Chickens Come Home To Roost T. SHER SINGH

The current refugee crisis is but another stage in the cause-and-effect continuum of events which began a long, long time ago. 

When All Peaceful Means Have Been Exhausted …
Roundtable Open Forum # 152 T. SHER SINGH

Within a span of 75 seconds, the video captures what India is all about, and what being a Sikh is all about.

Evolution T. SHER SINGH

Watching over the scene is a tall, erect figure. Quiet, as if everything that needed to be said, she has said a long time ago.

My Daughter, The Mother T. SHER SINGH

This year, Mother’s Day has an added dimension which has made it all the more rich for me.

The Extraordinaries:
Five Young Men Of Brampton T. SHER SINGH

Art and photo exhibits, lectures and seminars, children’s games and workshops, parades and receptions galore.

The Hollow Men T. SHER SINGH

The recent revelations of the creative genius of Bill “Big Mouth” O’Reilly of Fox News notoriety ...

Hell On Earth:
See Mr Netanyahu Loll On The Beach T. SHER SINGH

In a single frame, it symbolizes all that has gone wrong in Israel.

Grandma Wolf To Investigate The Red Riding Hood Riot:
30 Years Later, India Appoints 21st Inquiry Into 1984 Pogroms T. SHER SINGH

Two police officers and an RSS Judge to run the show.

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