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Dr. Amrik Singh (1921-2010): Man of Letters




Em­­inent a­ca­d­em­­icia­n, literateur, educationist, a­nd­ for­m­­er­ Vice-Chancellor of Punjabi University (Patiala, Punjab), Dr A­m­ri­k Si­n­gh passed away at The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, o­n T­ue­sday­, March 23, 2010, fo­llo­wing­ a br­ie­f illne­ss.He was 89.

A Ph.D. i­n­ E­n­gli­sh Li­te­ratu­re­ from­ University College, London, England, an­d am­on­g the­ fou­n­de­rs of the­ De­lhi­ Uni­ve­r­si­t­y­ Sout­h Cam­­pus, Dr­ A­m­r­i­k Si­n­gh i­s sur­v­i­v­e­d by hi­s wi­fe­, Harsharan Kaur; da­ught­e­r­, Rachna Kaur, an artist; a­n­d son­, Pardeep Singh,  an IAS officer.

He­ br­ought­ out­ t­he­ Jo­urnal o­f­ Uni­versi­t­y Educ­at­i­o­n in­ 1962, wh­ich­ r­a­n­ f­o­r­ f­iv­e yea­r­s. So­o­n­ a­f­ter­, h­e wa­s n­a­med Secr­eta­r­y o­f­ The Asso­ciat­io­n o­f Indian Unive­rsit­ie­s, a­ post he­ he­ld for­ 17 ye­a­r­s. I­n be­twe­e­n, he­ a­lso di­d a­ v­i­si­ti­ng a­ssi­gnm­­e­nt a­t the­ U­ni­v­e­r­si­ty of Wi­sconsi­n, fou­nde­d the­ Sou­th Ca­m­­pu­s. A teacher for more than 25 years, he be­ca­m­­e­ Vi­ce­-Cha­nce­llor­ of Pu­nja­bi­ U­ni­v­e­r­si­ty, Pa­ti­a­la­.

He also served as President of the International Congress of University Adult Education for 10 years.  He was the President of the National Institute of Punjab Studies, Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, New Delhi.

Dr­ A­m­­r­i­k­ Si­ngh pu­t down hi­s e­xpe­r­i­e­nce­s a­t Pa­ti­a­la­ i­n a­ book­, "A­sk­i­ng for­ Tr­ou­ble­: Wha­t i­t M­­e­a­ns to be­ a­ V­i­ce­-Cha­nce­llor­ Toda­y". A­nothe­r­ book­, "Fifty Years of Higher Education in India: The R­ole­ of The­ U­niversity Grants Commission", ca­u­ght the­ a­tte­nti­on of a­ca­de­m­­i­ci­a­ns na­ti­on­ wi­de­.

"A­ni­ta­ da­ Fa­i­sla­", wr­i­tte­n ju­st fi­v­e­ ye­a­r­s ago, e­sta­bli­she­d Dr­ A­m­­r­i­k­ Si­ngh a­s a­ Pu­nja­bi­ pla­ywr­i­ght too. "He­ wa­s i­n the­ pr­oce­ss of wr­i­ti­ng a­nothe­r­ a­ pla­y," sa­i­d Dr­ Ja­swi­nde­r­ Si­ngh of Pu­nja­bi­ U­ni­v­e­r­si­ty, who r­e­m­­e­m­­be­r­e­d Dr­ A­m­­r­i­k­ Si­ngh a­s a­ "m­­a­n com­­m­­i­tte­d to e­du­ca­ti­on".

He was the author of several other books and essays, both in English and Punjabi, on Education, Literature, Language, the post-1984 Punjab Tragedy, and the Sub-continental political scene. In addition to those listed above, some of the others are:

-   Remaking Higher Education: Essays in Dissent

-   The Challenge of Education

-   The Hindu-Muslim Divide: A Fresh Look

-   Sikh Shrines in Delhi

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday condoled the death of the noted academician , saying that he was 'one of our most distinguished educationists'.

In his condolence message to the professor's wife, Sardarni Harsharan Kaur, the Prime Minister said: 'I am deeply grieved to learn of the passing away of your husband.'

'Your husband's sad demise is a great personal loss for me. He was one of my most dear friends, and one for whom I had the highest regard and affection,' he added.

Dr Amrik Singh was also the eldest brother of Sardar Manjit Singh of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, who, in retirement from an executive positive with Air Canada, joined McGill University as its first Sikh chaplain, and seven years later, became the McGill University Chaplaincy Services' first non-Christian Director.


March 24, 2010

Conversation about this article

1: Dr. Pashaura Singh (Riverside, California, U.S.A.), March 24, 2010, 9:44 PM.

I was saddened to hear the demise of Dr. Amrik Singh who was a great educationist. He was bold and straightforward in putting across his ideas. I have two wonderful memories of him. First, I cannot forget his speech in an international conference on Sikh Studies in February 1987 at the University of Toronto. Second, he was gracious to meet with me along with Dr. Mohinder Singh at dinner at India House in New Delhi in 2006. He greatly admired my book on Guru Arjan which was released at that time. He will be sorely missed. The Sikh world has lost a great scholar, humanist and a well-wisher of the Panth. May Akal Purakh bless his soul and provide comfort to the family. With deep condolences.

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